ICU News
IMPORTANT LETTER FROM THE ICU ABOUT GAISF / SPORTACCORD UPDATEDear World Organizations: Thank you for the overwhelming response on countries submitting their letters for the GAISF (now called "Sportaccord") application in recognition of the International Cheer Union. ICU documents have been submitted to Sportaccord /GAISF prior to the 26 July deadline, and the ICU is moving forward with the process. Additionally, we are in contact with Sportaccord/GAISF President Mr. Hein Verbruggen as well Sportaccord/GAISF Director of International Federations Mrs. Nolvenn Dufay de Lavallaz regarding the favorable position of ICU and recognition of "cheer" as a sport in the Sportaccord/GAISF organization. As we move ahead in the process, please note below are some additional items that we have to present to the Sportaccord organization in Lausanne, Switzerland. We would appreciate it very much if you can complete the following questionnaire (below) and return it by 25 August 2009 (email, or fax number +1.901.387.4358). Additionally, we understand that all countries are in various states of development of cheer; so, please answer the below questions as best you can. Do not worry if some of the questions do not apply to your organization based on the new status of "cheer" in your country. Please answer the best you can, and return on the 25 August 2009 deadline. PLEASE NOTE: If you haven't submitted your 2 letters (a. recognition of your organization within your country, b. your organization's support of ICU as the sole international governing body for the sport of "cheer"), we will continue to accept these letters as follow up documents are submitted to Sportaccord/GAISF. QUESTIONNAIRE For items 1., 2., 3. only include the name of the event, date, and place where it was held. 1. List (as many as possible) the national Cheer events you have organized in the past 5 years. 2. List (as many as possible) the international “Cheer” events your athletes have competed in the last 5 years. 3. List (as many as possible) the “Cheer” congresses and meetings you have attended in the last 5 years. 4. Please confirm your organization is not-for- profit or other similar status within your country. 5. Please confirm you are the sole or major national organization for “Cheer” in your country. 6. Please confirm or show that a sports authority has granted you recognition as the governing organization for "Cheer" in your country. 7. Any letter of support that can confirm your position in your country will be greatly appreciated. We thank you for your assistance in this matter; again, please do not worry if some of the questions do not apply to your organization based on the new status of "cheer" in your country. We appreciate your efforts to answer the questionnaire the best you can, and return it by the 25 August 2009 deadline. Thank you again, and please contact us with any questions! Kind regards, |
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