

Full Member Application to Join the International Cheer Union

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Full Membership Application

You must complete two (2) applications in order to be considered for Full Membership of the ICU:

  1. Download and complete this Digital Application. Follow the instructions on how to submit the digital form.
  2. Complete the Online Application below. Click the Submit button below once you have completed this form.

General Information

Country requesting recognition *

Name of organization (NGB) applying for membership *

Name of individual submitting this document *

Title or Position *

 Contact Information

Address *


City *


Postal Code *

Phone *


Email *

 Organization Information

Are there any elected or appointed officers of this organization / federation?

New Organization Information 

Are you forming a new organization?

Does your federation have any formal organizational documents (i.e. a Constitution, Articles of Incorporation, Statutes or By-laws)? Please list

Please include a copy of any and all formal or legal documents of organization with this application. If these are not currently available, please indicate approximately when you anticipate having them available. It is anticipated that the ICU will allow new countries federations one year to finalize all legal documents and filings in their respective country.

Does your federation have a website?

Does your federation conduct formal meetings of its Board or Assembly?

Please provide any additional information that you feel is important or would be helpful to know or learn about our sport in your country

Is there currently any other organization that is already officially recognized by your government as the National Governing Body for Sport Cheering (or cheerleading) in your country?

Signature and Acknowledgment 








Please type the alphanumeric sequence in the image above: